I found this an interesting and moving article, yet somewhat unrealistic. I think the ‘I want more’ approach is actually the problem. Whenever a person thinks ‘I want more’ in a relationship, they are projecting into the future instead of appreciating what is good and real in the here and now. This seems to make people unappreciative and unable to see the blessings of their current life. The trouble with ‘I want more’ is that, although it’s entirely normal to feel this way, this kind of grasping, self-involved, thinking does not help a marriage or relationship which is about two people supporting each other in whatever way they can. Why don’t people get invested in what their partner wants and needs? Why don’t they value the love of their life and show them how special they are? What ever happened to ‘What can I give?’ to this union. Surely giving to a relationship would not only make it thrive but would render it more meaningful. It’s time for people to start dropping the self-involved ‘I want more’ and start living as mature and caring beings with a ‘What can I give?’ attitude. Imagine how much better relationships and society in general would be … No wonder so many people can’t hold a relationship together -They’re just thinking of one person.